My Celtic Zodiac is "Poplar"

Poplar-tree-born are determined and ambitious.They let themselves be guided by their intellect and want to understand everything. The world is one great challenge for them, which has to be explored. They love the truth, and always want to expose appereance; they go straight to the core of things. Due to their quick-wittedness they gain fast successes.
Poplars have a soft core, which has to be protected. Their own world of feelings is weird to them sometimes, as they are distracted from their initially clearly set aims by their constant mood swings. Poplars have to learn, to accept and get to know their world of feelings. Otherwise they run the risk, not to recognize the subtleties, and to drown in the simple view of the world of EITHER/OR.
As far as their emotional world is concerned, poplars are very distrustful. Everything has to be considered first, as they don't take anything for granted. With their own mental insecurity, they need a strong and reliable partner. Once they found that, they will blossom in unexpected colors and their mental fickleness lies behing them.
Marjoram, Dill, Fern, Mandrake, Valerian, Fennel
Physical Weak spots:
Soul, Skin, Lungs, Respiratory tract, Bronchial tubes
The Italic text is copy from Spirit project site where you can look your Celtic Zodiac and find more ineteresting things about you too.
Otherwise I don't believe in horoscope but I think that these words are true about me on the whole. Something is on that.
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