Monday, January 22, 2007

Rebuilding some parts of people's bodies

What I told in my last post were bullshits! I'm back or better is I'm still here and I hope you'll read my blog with enthusiasm and firing... :-)

But I wanted to write about something different and this may not be good for everyone. What can we imagine of the title? Everybody something different, right? Well, I read any article today morning and I was surprised and frustrated too. Title of that article was like this "Attention, the world has new hit - vaginoplasty". Yeah! You can see right. Alone the article's title can be offensive or vulgar for somebody. But content of that article was more. When I was reading it I didn't understood what my eyes see there.

I think that people are really off head, especially those more rich and women of course. I know the vogue of anaplacty, to may change a lot of parts of body is here many years. But this?? Oh, where is the world going? They say that to have changed their vaginas is like to own Mercedes car. Wow, and this is meaningful thought. Sure, everyone rich people aren't same, a lot of them have good ideas, not like those upper.

A little my fictional conversation of two rich women:
one of them say: "Have you changed your vagina yet? I have... she is more pretty." the second answer: "No, I have not. Should I?"
the first say: "Yes! You should if you want to be still my friend."

Well, I think that I should change my vagina too... :-))))) Oh, I cann't, I haven't her... but maybe I can change my head, I like the head of MickyMouse. So tomorrow...

"My apology everyone whom is alarmed at this my post and who isn't like those people. It's only my subjective thought"

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